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full monty

美 [fʊl ˈmɑːnti]英 [fʊl ˈmɒnti]
  • n.一应俱全;应有尽有
full montyfull monty

full monty


  • 1
    N-SING 一应俱全;一样不缺
    You use the full monty to describe something that impresses you because it includes everything that you could possibly expect it to include.

    There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. The full monty.


  1. Dealing with the depressed industrial communities , The Full Monty is both a charming comedy and an effective portrait of 80s ' Sheffield . 5 .


  2. For Wendy , a Singapore tourist ordering the Full Monty breakfast in the Soho Caf é , it was a chance to try black pudding - a delicacy of cooked pig 's blood mixed usually with oatmeal .


  3. Bike riders in Boulder , Colorado wanted to go Full Monty to make a point , but they didn 't want to go to jail either , so they decided to cover up just enough to avoid getting indecent exposure tickets .


  4. The room was decorated with a lot of bad oil paintings , at least four of which were full length portraits of Monty .


  5. There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish . The full monty .
